小鳥の巣 Nest of little bird

小鳥の巣 Nest of little bird
小鳥の巣 Nest of little bird
ハトの巣 Nest of dove
ハトの巣 Nest of dove




でもキウイに被害がでないことも祈ります 笑

The other day, I found the nests of little birds in the orchard of Gold Kiwi. The picture of left side, the size of these eggs are about a  circle 2 centimeters in diameter and mother bird was a little bigger than sparrow. The picture of right side is a nest of dove. The size of eggs are little bigger than chicken.

It is fun to find these kind of curious things in the orchard.

I hope these eggs will hatch safely and grow up.

But also I hope they don't damage the kiwi!